Resource Library
Christmas Tree Tea
It’s that time of year when Christmas and New Year’s celebrations are over, and we’re settling in for a few months of cold, snowy weather. And with Winter come seasonal colds, sore throats, and runny noses.
Being a backyard herbalist is so much easier in the summer when there is an abundance of medicinal weeds and wildflowers, but even in the depths of winter, there are herbal remedies to be found. This one is a great remedy for runny noses and mucousy coughs, and has the added benefit of being right in your living room – it’s your Christmas tree!
Bouncing Back After a Fall
If you fall, you could break a bone, like thousands of older men and women do each year. For older people, a break can be the start of a more serious problem like a trip to the hospital, a permanent disability, or even a move to a long-term care home.
More than one in three people aged 65 years or older fall each year. The risk of falling and fall-related problems rises with age.
What to do with Weeds – the Summer Edition
Hello again. If you’ve read the spring edition you know I’m passionate about wild medicinal plants – or weeds as many people like to call them.
Here are three more common plants that you may find on your lawn during the summer months.
What to do with Weeds - the Spring Edition
For many of us, spring means the opportunity to get outside and begin work in our gardens. Whether you are a novice or an expert, a vegetable or a flower gardener, there is one task that we all have to do many times over the growing season - weeding!
How A Herbalist Became A Hypnotist
In many healing modalities practitioners search for what they call the ‘root cause’ of an illness or condition. Are those headaches the result of eye strain? Are those frequent colds due to an immune system weakened by fatigue? Is that rash indicative of a food intolerance? While we want to bring relief to present symptoms, our underlying goal is to prevent them from recurring, to address whatever imbalance caused them to occur in the first place.