Access your subconscious mind to change patterns of behaviour.
Throughout our lives, our subconscious minds learn “programs” that we use to live our lives; patterns or pathways in our minds that allow us to do things without having to consciously think about them. It’s these programs that allow us to get dressed, make a sandwich, or drive a car, without having to think about how we do it.
Just as we have patterns of physical behaviour, we have patterns of mental and emotional behaviour. Most of the time these patterns are helpful, but sometimes they can harm us or hold us back.
Hypnosis is a treatment in which a hypnotist and a client work together to rewrite programs that may be harmful or hold us back by inducing a state of focused concentration.
In clinical hypnosis, this focused concentration is combined with a state of deep physical relaxation to help a client access their subconscious mind and change patterns of behaviour, thoughts, and feelings. In this state, the mind is receptive to the suggestions a hypnotist will use to help you achieve your goals.
Hypnosis is useful in the treatment of:
Chronic pain
Sleep issues
Poor self confidence and self esteem
Concentration issues
Negative thoughts and behaviours
“You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.”
More info about hypnosis.
How do I know if hypnosis is right for me?
The limiting factor is you, as long as you’re committed and ready to work towards a better you, hypnosis can help. If you’d like to know more, please feel free to contact Rebecca for a free 20 minute consultation call, she’s always happy to answer your questions and address your concerns.
What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?
Hypnosis can feel a little different for everyone. A sense of physical relaxation, mental peace, and focus is very common. You’re always aware of what is happening and will generally remember everything that happened while in hypnosis. You can move around, talk, even get up and walk while under hypnosis.
Can I be made to do or say something I don’t want to?
Absolutely not. Your mind has very cleverly designed mechanisms that will only accept suggestions in keeping with your wellbeing, ethics, and morals. A hypnotist can’t make you do anything you do not wish to do, or that would go against any ethical or spiritual beliefs you hold.
Hypnosis is a collaborative state, the hypnotist can guide you into hypnosis, but you must want to be hypnotized and choose to accept any suggestions made.
What happens in my first session?
Your first session will start with an intake interview to let Rebecca get to know you and talk about your specific concerns. Rebecca will then discuss a treatment plan with you and explain the process of hypnosis and how she can use it to help your particular issues. Once you’re comfortable with the process, you’ll be guided into a hypnotic state, where Rebecca will work to help you achieve your goals.
What can I expect at follow-up sessions?
In subsequent sessions Rebecca builds on the work done in previous sessions, going deeper to find the underlying cause of the issue and reinforcing the progress made in earlier sessions.
How many sessions will I need?
This can differ from person to person and depends greatly on the issue being addressed. Most clients will begin to experience positive results after the first session but a minimum of three sessions is generally recommended to provide lasting change. More complex issues may require more sessions.
Can anyone be hypnotized?
Yes. The limiting factors are the ability to concentrate and comfort. Very young children can’t be hypnotized because of their limited capacity to concentrate for longer periods of time. Trust and comfort is critical, if you don’t feel you can trust your hypnotist, it’s very unlikely that they’d be able to hypnotize you.